In the Fall semester 2010, I had an interesting course.
During one of this course's classses, our teacher told us that based on someone's theory ( I don't remember the name, but it was based on interpersonal communication):
"Every type of Anger, comes from Fear. Always"
He gave us lots of examples, and I also gave it some thought. It is true. I also realized at that point that Fear is indeed one of the strongest emotions and driving forces of a human being.
However, the teacher followed another process later on. It was quite complicated and quite time consuming and I couldn't remember all of it, but I do remember the conclusion.
The main idea was that when one relationship ends (of any kind) and one feels sadness and then feels anger (which of course originates from fear) then thereare two very crucial paths that this person can choose; The path of the understanding the other person's position and "forgive" and the other of keeping the anger inside and blame the other eternally. According to him, if one chooses the first path, then this person will feel what "love" feels like.
On a personal level, I do agree with this (mostly at least) and I can also relate somehow.
However, the reason I mentioned the story and the theory above might seem to be a little bit irrelevant and quite selfish too. I can understand very well when the feeling of "love" occurs to me (because it is extremely rare too) and I am 100% sure when it happens.
The problems are all the other emotions or situations that one could say fall "under" the category of love. Crush, Infatuation, Obsession, In love, Care, Interest and many more. This could be a total contradiction or total confirmation of my previous topic "names". Because I can never differentiate those feelings when they happen to me, and I can never predict their average lifespan.
And now one can ask; Where exactly was fear relevant to all this?
Well, I've noticed and I've been told that I snap very easily.
I must not fear.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήFear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.
On the other hand, i cannot find words to express how much i disagree with your teacher,when a relationship ends,sometimes someone feels sadness,anger or both.
Love?What does love have to do with understanding and forgiveness?I might understand their actions and yes maybe just maybe forgive them but that doesnt change the fact that they did those things and that they must pay the prize....
And as someone would say hate is just a four letter , but so is love...
Hehehe it's always interesting to see how different you think, however...
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφή"they must pay the prize...."<---says who?You? If it is you that says so, then ( according to the interpersonal theory, not me :P) you are caught in the trap of NOT being able to feel true "love".
I laugh in the face of your interpersonal theory for if the world had fallen in the same trap as me,the world would have been one hell of a better place.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήWhy is that?That's for me to know and for you to never,i hope, find out kitty Queen.
LOL, dude, it is not MY interpersonal theory :P
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφή.....but I'm glad to entertain you, next time I'll ask for money though :P
Fear of being alone perhaps?
(A.I.D.S. ;))